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                                            Illustration by Armine Shahbazyan.

Editor's Note

Reality is made up from mostly unseen things. Like atoms and electrons, these particles collide and form threads that remain invisible to us, yet impact our very being, and structure the environments that we inhabit. In an everyday language we would call these threads culture or, perhaps even “Et cetera.” But for the Armenian reality, the infinite gamut of the “everything else” is, ironically, often conceptualized as anti-culture, since the latter is deemed to be that which is elevated, sacred and monumentalized. As a result, our cultural landscape and identity appear monolithic, unchanging and stagnant. This perception is cemented by the mass media, which regurgitates stereotypes and nurtures parochial ideas about socio-cultural forms by reinforcing that which is already fixed in the field of visibility, while sidelining everything that flows, pulsates and grows in-between. 

The articles in this section of EVN Report attempt to turn the tide and give a much-needed critical spotlight to the forgotten, ignored, misunderstood, unseen, silenced and even derided cultural phenomena that weave the fabric of our collective past and present. From the mundane to the extraordinary, the topics addressed here reveal the remarkable dynamism of both historical, as well as contemporary Armenian social practices. By stressing the complexities of these experiences, we hope to ignite new dialogues and insights about the evolving implications of what it means to be Armenian in the rapids of our globalized world.

Vigen Galstyan 

“Return the Tramway to Yerevan:” About Aram Pachyan’s Novel “P/F”

Literary theorist Tigran Amiryan takes the reader on a journey into the essence of Aram Pachyan's experimental novel "P/F", noting that while it might not appeal to aficionados of fictional prose it will cause an unquenchable thirst for contemplation.

Escaping to Cafes: Yerevan’s 2021 Gastronomic Trends

In the past several years, residents of Yerevan have started spending more time in cafes and the outdoors generally. We eat out, take our breaks, work and escape from the cares of our daily lives.

Listening to Imagine: A Post-Crisis Exhibition Attempting to Reimagine Armenia’s Future

The ongoing crises in Armenia are forcing old ideas about the future to crumble, making way for as yet undefined horizons. In this process, contemporary art tries to intervene to create new spaces for imagining the future.

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et cetera podcast

Եվ այլն

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Արվեստաբան, համադրող,  EVN Report-ի նորաստեղծ Եվ այլն բաժնի խմբագիր Վիգեն Գալստյանը խոսում է բաժնի հոդվածների, մշակույթի և առօրեական երևույթների մասին գրելու կարևորության, ինչպես նաև պատկերազարդման արվեստը հայկական մեդիադաշտում նորից արդիական դարձնելու մասին:  

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