A Wave of New Political Parties Crashes Onto the Scene

Thirty-one founding congresses for new political parties have been scheduled since the start of the year, a quantity not seen since the country gained independence 30 years ago.

Latest Poll Numbers Imply a False Majority Election Outcome

The latest phone survey about the coming parliamentary election in Armenia was recently released. The seat projection arising from the poll is problematic in that it foresees a false majority scenario. Harout Manougian breaks it down.

How Will Armenians With COVID-19 Vote on Election Day?

Armenia has about 15,000 active COVID-19 cases. Even if that number decreases by June 20, there will most likely be thousands of eligible voters who are positive. With no mail-in voting and no opportunity to vote in advance, election administrators face a constitutional conundrum.

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EVN Report’s May issue, entitled “Political Culture,” looks back on the evolution of democratic expression in Armenia, from the first parliamentary election in 1919 to political cartoons to the modern day.

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