Lusine Sargsyan

Lusine Sargsyan graduated with a BA in English and Communications program from the American University of Armenia. She has interned at Armenia's diplomatic missions, including the Embassy of Armenia to the United Kingdom and the Permanent Mission of Armenia to the United Nations. As an aspiring lawyer, Lusine is interested in covering a wide range of human rights issues in Armenia.

Articles by Lusine Sargsyan

Araratian Baccalaureate: Transforming the Future or Creating Selective Education?

The Araratian Baccalaureate, a public-private partnership between the Armenian Government and Ayb Education Foundation launched under the previous administration, came under the spotlight when Education Minister Arayik Harutyunyan questioned the need for “elite” schools and the financial efficacy of the program.

From National Security to the Concentration of Power

A newly adopted law on the “Formation and Activity of the Security Council” was recently passed in parliament that gives the new prime minister more powers over the country’s defense policy. This law came into effect to comply with the package of reforms that was passed in the 2015 Constitutional referendum.

The Cost of Justice: ECtHR and Cases Against Armenia

Since joining the Council of Europe and ratifying the European Convention on Human Rights, Armenia’s government has been obligated to pay over 900,000 Euros as compensation to Armenian nationals.

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