Social Media: Political Parties Enter the Fray

How did political parties and blocs running for parliamentary elections utilize social media? Did they use targeted advertising or simply throw money away? Information security expert Samvel Martirosyan breaks it down and presents an interesting picture.

Election Day: Choices Are Never Easy

Political Scientist Yevgenya Paturyan considers the choices voters have ahead of the parliamentary elections, a mere three days away. She says that even though there may be a dearth of the perfect candidate, action is always better than inaction.

The Election No One is Talking About

Yerevan municipal elections are scheduled for May 14. Approximately 35 percent of the country's electorate reside in the capital city, however, no one is talking about the importance and significance of these elections.

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EVN Report’s May issue, entitled “Political Culture,” looks back on the evolution of democratic expression in Armenia, from the first parliamentary election in 1919 to political cartoons to the modern day.

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