Astghik Karapetyan

Astghik has over 13 years experience in the media. Since 2011, she has been reporting on topics covering human rights and the judiciary, including analytical and investigative pieces on state procurement, illegal enrichment, etc.

In recent years, she has participated in a EU-funded program, “Multi-Faceted Anti-Corruption Promotion” and a joint EU-German program “Evidence-Based Advocacy for Reform.” Astghik was also the Public Relations Coordinator for a EU-funded program, “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue.”

In September 2017, she became the Editor-in-Chief of Since November 2019, she has been a research fellow at the American New Media Advocacy Project. Astghik has won several awards for her work and in 2019, she received a Media Management Mini-MBA Certificate in Riga from the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE Riga).

Articles by Astghik Karapetyan

The Imperative to Consistently Protect Human Rights

Astghik Karapetyan, the guest editor for this month’s issue titled “Dignity,” writes about the imperative to constantly work to protect the human rights of all, during both times of peace and war.

Մարդու իրավունքները հետևողականորեն պաշտպանելու հրամայականը

Այս ամսվա «Մարդ եւ իրավունք» խորագրով թողարկման հրավիրյալ խմբագիր Աստղիկ Կարապետյանը գրում է մարդու իրավունքները պաշտպանելու հրամայականի մասին` խաղաղության և պատերազմի ժամանակ:

Armenia to Ban Turkish Products

Taking into account Turkey’s overt support to Azerbaijan during the 2020 Artsakh War, Armenia’s government has decided to ban the import of Turkish goods for six months. The ban will take effect on December 31 of this year.

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